Salah Time Tips for New Muslims

The daily prayers, or Salah as some Muslims refer to it, is one of the most important pillars of Islam. It offers a direct connection to Allah and his believers. It may seem difficult to understand the concept of prayers in Islam, especially for a New Muslim. However, under proper guidance, they can easily develop the habit of offering their prayers regularly. If you are one of those new Muslims who have recently accepted Islam and are looking for tips to help you work your way through Salah, then follow these tips.

Understanding Salah Times

First and foremost, the very basic thing to understand is that Salah timings are divided five times a day. Secondly, every prayer has a specific time that links to the position of the sun. Allah says,

If you are late in performing your service of prayer honour God by remembering Him, standing or sitting or lying on your sides. And when you have security perform your act of prayer befittingly; and praying at fixed hours is prescribed for the faithful.
[Al Quran 4:103]

Most of the new Muslims have a misconception that the prayers have fixed/same timing throughout the world. However, in reality, the Salah times in Istanbul today will differ from the Salah time in Mecca.

  • Fajr: Before Dawn
  • Dhuhr: Mid-day
  • Asr: When the sun starts to decline
  • Maghrib: Just after sunset
  • Isha: Nightfall, when darkness sets in

Every prayer also has a window within which it should be performed. Once you develop the habit of praying, these times won’t be difficult for you to remember.

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Use Apps to Stay Punctual

The modern world offers many conveniences for new Muslims. The digital world has several mobile apps that help users remember the Salah timings. These apps can even provide accurate prayer times depending on their location. Muslim Pro, Athan, and Al-Qibla are some of the few apps with reminders and alerts of Salah timings.
Setting Salah reminders 10 to 15 minutes before the actual Salah time will give you time to prepare. This will prevent you from having to rush to the masjid for your daily prayers.

Creating a Routine

The only way you can offer Salah regularly is by making it a part of your daily routine. To achieve this, think about how you spend your day. You can associate waking up with praying Fajr, or you can link your lunch-time with Dhuhr. If you are used to having tea in the evening, then you can have one after you offer your Asr prayers, Maghrib is before you have your dinner. Isha is the easiest to remember since you can offer it right before you go to bed.

Preparing in Advance

Preparation in advance makes the practice of offering you daily prayers easier. You can have clean clothes and a prayer mat readily available. This way, you do not have to waste your time finding these basic things before you offer your prayer.
You will also have to perform ablution before performing your prayers. Therefore, make sure that you set aside time for that. Before offering your prayers, you must also ensure that your clothing is appropriate for Salah. Women need to wear a scarf during Salah.

Start Small

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the constant reminders to pray five times a day, then worry not. It is completely fine to feel this way, especially if you are a new Muslim. Start by taking small steps and then slowly grow your way up. Remember, there is nothing for you to stress about. Even if you miss your prayers, you must know that Allah is the most forgiving. After a certain period of time, you will find yourself praying five times regularly without the need for alarms and reminders.

Learn the Meaning Behind Salah

Learning the meaning behind the different verses that you recite during every prayer helps build your attention during prayers. It will help you understand what you are reciting and will create a stronger bond between you and Allah. If you wish to make your prayer more meaningful then you can start by learning the meaning of small words such as Allahu Akbar, Alhamdullilah, etc.

Finding a Community That Supports

The very basic support system you can find is a group of Muslim men or women who can help you with your prayers. These support systems are easily found at local mosques or Islamic centers. Look for Muslims of your age who are struggling with similar issues. Once you start discussing the problems you are facing, it will make you realize that you are not alone.
Additionally, you can even participate in Salah classes, that help beginners like you to develop the habit of praying regularly. If you cannot visit in person, then you can also look for groups or forums that provide support online. Encouragement from your community can help you achieve great milestones.

Avoid Distractions During Salah

As a human, you can easily get distracted by the smallest of things while offering your prayers. These distractions can break your focus, especially when you are in the learning phase. To minimize these distractions you need to get rid of these distractions first. Start by finding a quiet place to offer your prayers. Another way to not get distracted is to learn the meaning behind the verses. This practice will help you to focus on every word that you recite during Salah.

Have a Strong Intention to Pray

Niyyah, or intention to pray, is essential before you start your prayers. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to say anything out loud. To have a proper niyyah, you need to focus your mind on what you are about to pray. For instance, if you are about to pray asr then you must think about this as your particular niyyah. Having the intention to pray also helps with spiritual growth.

Think about the Benefits of Offering Salah

Always bear in mind that Salah is not some compulsory act that you need to perform every day. It helps you form discipline for your entire day. Offering Salah timely give you a guidance on how to spend your entire day. Thinking about these benefits will help you form a positive spiritual connection with Salah.
Not only this, but Salah also helps to bring peace of mind. When focusing on the words you recite during Salah, you get rid of all the chaos inside your mind. You will feel much more relaxed than at any other time of the day. Such positive feelings will help you to remain consistent in your prayers.

Final Words

As a new Muslim, you might find it difficult to establish a consistent Salah routine. As we said before, it may take some time for you to develop this habit. But, once you do, you will know how rewarding it is to offer all of your prayers on time. By following these practical tips, you will easily form that connection with your creator. Do not rush in adopting this habit; instead, learn to take things slow.

For a new Muslim, establishing a consistent Salah routine is difficult and may take some time. But it is one of the most rewarding practices in Islam. By following these practical tips, you can develop a strong connection to Salah and find peace in your prayers. Remember, it is completely fine if you take things slow. Just make sure to remind yourself that every step closer to Salah is a step closer to Allah.

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